Thinking about starting a business? Before you draft any business proposals, take a moment to ask yourself these questions. They will help you to reflect on your WHAT, HOW and WHY.

1. Be the SOLUTION - How could you help others?
What do I even offer? Rather than starting your business with 'what can I sell?', think about 'what can I solve?'. It’s a lot easier to gain a solid customer base when your business is fixing a problem.
I started my business not just because I had a passion for administration but I saw that small businesses and charities needed help but couldn't afford to employ a full-time administrator or have an office to base them in. I wanted to help solve that issue. You can hire my services for just a project or on a monthly bases. I work virtually so I set up base wherever I am and everything I offer is online.
What problem do you have that needs a solution? Do you think other people need that solution too? Maybe you have just found your next idea.
2. Address the EXCUSES - Why do I want to start a business?
I've heard so many people tell me 'Wow, you are brave to start a business. I could never do that!' I ask them why? Why couldn't you start a business? Then they reel off a list of excuses: not enough money, not enough time, too many other responsibilities.
Do you know why people never fulfil their dreams? They focus on all the reasons why they can't do something instead of what their life could look like if they succeeded.
If you really want to start a business, you need to address the reasons you think you can’t start a business and get rid of them. Find a solution to the issue rather than let it hold you back.
TIP: Write out your excuses. Then write down how you could counteract them. Then rip up your excuses and get started.
3. Absorb EVERYTHING - What can I learn?
Want some free advice? Ask your friends, family, experts. When you are starting out and learning, there is no harm in absorbing as much advice as you can get from those people around you.
As you learn, write everything down. Keep notes from all the resources you come across to develop a detailed plan. Once you have gathered all the information, then filter out what is not necessary.
Don’t ignore the power of advice from experts and veteran business owners. These folks know first-hand what does and doesn’t work. Smart entrepreneurs learn from the mistakes other business owners have made.
Signing off,
